Helping Others

The latest stories of people helping others
... because one person can make a difference!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Country Artist Darryl Worley's Foundation Opens Cancer Treatment Center

The Darryl Worley Outpatient Chemotherapy Clinic opened on December 2, 2004 at the Hardin County General Hospital in Savannah, Tennessee. Worley was honored at the dedication for his generous contribution to the facility through the Darryl Worley Foundation, recognizing his compassion and commitment to his fellow Hardin County neighbors who battle cancer.

After Worley lost both of his grandfathers to cancer, he realized the importance of establishing a cancer treatment center in his hometown area -- an ongoing vision of Worley’s and it has finally come true. “It has always been very important to me to give back to the people and the place which inspired me to do what I do,” says Worley.

The Darryl Worley Foundation raised funds from the Tennessee River Run, an annual event that began in 2001, to enable the hospital to make the chemotherapy drugs on site and allow the hospital to treat cancer patients on an on-going basis.

In announcing the dedication of The Darryl Worley Outpatient Chemotherapy Clinic at Hardin Medical Center, Charlotte Burns, CEO/Administrator of the center, praised Worley saying “Darryl’s vision and generous gift through The Darryl Worley Foundation will allow us to provide services to more of our citizens who have cancer. They will be able to receive chemotherapy treatment right here at home and will not have to make the long drive to Jackson, Memphis or other cities. We are proud to recognize Darryl’s compassion and commitment as we name our new chemotherapy clinic area in his honor.”

$1 Million Gift For Tsunami Relief Just The Latest Of Many

Newspaper chain owner Richard Mellon Scaife, and his wife Ritchie, have announced their contribution to Catholic Relief Services of $1 million for tsunami relief.

They are just the latest of those with resources who have made substantial pledges.

  • Seven basketball players including Kobe Bryant pledged to donate $1,000 for every point they scored in a game this week to UNICEF. They hope to raise $250,000.
  • Steven Spielberg will give $1.5m to Save the Children, CARE and Oxfam
  • Film star Sandra Bullock has pledged $1m to the American Red Cross
  • Leonardo DiCaprio said he will give a "substantial amount" for aid to Thailand where he filmed the 2000 movie The Beach. He set up a link on his website for fans to follow his lead and make donations.
  • Television network NBC simulcast a telethon over its broadcast network and six cable channels on January 15.
Private donations are set to overtake the US government aid of $350m. Already private US donors have given $322m, and groups say additional pledges of aid push the total to almost $355m, according to the Centre on Philanthropy at Indiana University. And that figure does not include the Salvation Army, one of the largest charitable organisations in the US.