Helping Others

The latest stories of people helping others
... because one person can make a difference!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Volunteer rescue dog Toby to become a movie star

His owners call it paw-sitive inspiration.

He was in foster care and was a rescue dog with behaviour problems, and now he'll be a star on the silver screen.

It's the story of nine-year-old chesapeake bay retriever Toby, a local volunteer rescue dog whose touching story has turned him famous.

Read the full story.

Students Help with Special Olympics

Bethel University education majors are gaining valuable preparation for their careers by playing kickball; duck, duck goose; and the hokey-pokey. They volunteer once a week to assist 3- to 7-year-olds who are in Young Athletes, a program that prepares children with special needs for the Special Olympics.

“As they lead relays and games that incorporate large and fine motor skills, they learn a lot about patience and passions,” says Associate Professor of Education Katie Bonawitz. “Having patience is a skill all educators need and these coaches will experience that here - which is a gift.”

Read the full article.